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About Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the science of life, that originated thousands of years ago is still followed and practiced throughout India. It stresses the need for prevention rather than cure and recommends harmony of the body, mind and soul as an essential requirement of health. Ayurveda treatment consisting of therapies, exercises, adequate diet, herbal medicine, is given the conventional way with proper supervision and the right atmosphere.

The Ayurvedic therapies are prescribed by experienced Ayurvedic doctors in accordance with the condition and the constitution of the patient. The common body care therapies include those for rejuvenation, slimming, stress management, body immunization, body purification etc.

Charaka Samhitha (Treatise on Medicine), Susrutha Samhitha (Treatise on Surgery) and Ashtanga Samgraha (Treatise on the basic principles) are considered to be the three major treatises in Ayurveda. Some of the treatises written between 9th and 16th century AD include Sharangadhara Samhita (Treatise on Ayurvedic Recipes), Bhavaprakasha (History and classifications), Madhava Nidana (Treatise on Diagnosis) etc.

Ayurveda advocates that every living and non-living being has five basic elements (Pancha Maha Bhoothas) in them namely earth, water, fire, air and ether which manifest itself in the human body as Vatha, Pitha and Kabha (or the Tridoshas).

Air and ether form the Vatha principle, fire the Pitha principle and earth and water the Kapha principle. Every human being has his Prakruti (Constitutional Nature) determined by the dominance of Vatha, Pitha or Kabha or their combinations. Harmony in Prakruthi indicates good health.

The cause of a disease is diagnosed and treatment prescribed by monitoring the Tridoshas, Dhatus (that which supports the body functions), Malas (the metabolic bi-products formed in the body), Agni (which is responsible for metabolism) and the Prakruti of the patient. The outcome of an Ayurvedic treatment is ideal health, a relaxed mind and rejuvenated body.