Consultation provided here does not substitute routine medical check-up conducted treatment given at hospitals/clinics/centres of Ayurveda. Ayursambhasha does not consider itself responsible for any untorward events happening after following the advice provided in Ayurvedic consultation. Patients requesting for consultation will do so at their own responsibility. The medicines sent are for the benefit of the patient only and not for resale. Many Natural Health Methods are NOT ACCEPTED by the American Medical Association nor the Food and Drug Administration. Some Natural Healing Methods are considered controversial, radical, unorthodox, and even illegal. US law demands this statement:"FOR DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF DISEASE YOU MUST CONSULT A MEDICAL DOCTOR" What is it Worth to You?There ARE safe alternatives to surgical, radiation and chemical methods of treatment! Natural Therapies and other practices like AYURVEDA --have been researched, taught, and used for centuries to relieve stress and pain, to Feel Better, and to Live Longer